Flickers and Woodpeckers
Are you hearing the persistent sound of rapid hammering on your roof, chimney or wall? This is likely flickers or woodpeckers who knock on structures. They do so for several reasons including creating nesting holes, assessing for insect presence or to amplify their communication to others.
The louder the echo and sound the better, so wooden siding or metal chimney spouts are often ideal spots to hammer.
Our team are apt at providing deterrence and exclusion solutions to stop the sound nuisance but more importantly protect your structure against ongoing damage.
Exclusion is important as flickers will return to the same site year after year and the holes created allow for water ingress, insect harbourage and access points for other wildlife such as rats and squirrels.
You are going to want to address this concern as soon as possible. Reach out to us when you first notice activity or as a prevention measure, we understand the time sensitivity of dealing with these birds!
As a protected species, active nesting sites for flickers cannot be touched until the end of breeding season. Sealing up holes before this takes place is critical!