Raccoons looking for a warm, safe place to den and birth their young often end up in the attic of homes, under patios or in sheds. Being excellent climbers with their highly sensitive dexterous and strong hands, they are able to rip open cedar shake roof tiles or pop off soffiting to create an access point into void structural space on a home.

Night time party in the attic! 

Once inside, they tend to spend their days snoozing and will venture out at night in search of food - rodents, chicks, eggs, fruit and unsecured food waste. If a family of raccoons has moved in, mobile babies left behind in an attic space while the mother forages will sound like a party is happening above your heads awaiting their mother's return to nurse. If raccoons are using a part of your home where the sound of their activity isn't obvious, you may notice a raccoon climbing up the side of your building or be alerted to activity by your dogs. 

What now? 

Finding how the raccoons are getting in is the first step, once found raccoon-proofing the entry points as well as any vulnerabilities is important. It is imperative to confirm whether babies are onsite - sealing up without checking may result in a dying babies in your home or a mother raccoon doing extensive damage to get back in! Rather be safe than sorry. Once checked, install a one-way door to allows individuals to exit. This will ensure they leave, which they usually do within 24-48 hours in search of water, and once on the outside if the structure has been effectively raccoon-proofed, they won't be able to get back in.

Why spot treatment doesn't guarantee a permanent fix? 

Raccoons with a vested interest in a home or structure will simply move from treated excluded areas to untreated areas to get back in. Only sealing up the one point of entry the raccoons may be using, may be a quick fix but for the majority of scenarios it may mean you are back to square one - frustrated and out of pocket. 

Give our team a call for all your raccoon needs, we provide guaranteed raccoon proofing and multi-year warranties on re-entry.